New Pairings Intro Pic

LAST UPDATED: June 27th, 2004

Here you will find stories in which the principal pairing is new or very rare. In order to qualify, the story has to be new to the archive, has to be posted on the archive, and all principal characters must be from either Xena: Warrior Princess, Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, or Young Hercules. No Crossover, Uber or original character pairings. Sorry =(

Female and Female

Gabrielle/Varia (sort of - Varia and various Amazons anyway ;)
Varia is the Spice of Life by Brown Bettied

Male and Male

By the Book by Skylla

A Reasonable Demand and Altared States by Erin

Cyane and Xena

E-mail Ashera

The Widow Twanky and Hercules

Submit your story

Think that your story qualifies? Then submit it to the archive, and write SUBMISSION: NP into the subject heading of the e-mail. Your flagging the story in such a way does not immediately qualify or disqualify the story's inclusion on this page. I will choose stories at my own discretion.

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