Early Photos

These are the only ones listed in the Universal art pack that I have, but if anyone has ever seen other shots from either of these series, or has access to actual slides, please get in touch with me.

I have no info about these sepia shots. Were these taken by Universal, or MCA, or Ren Pics? I don't even know whether they were taken before Lucy had even played Xena, or if they were promotinal shots taken once they decided to launch the series. These are, however, probably among the first official pictures Lucy ever posed for as Xena.

These shots ended up appearing on a lot of early Xena merch, particularly #3 and #4. And #3 was released as a poster, a chromium poster, a shirt, a mug, etc. #3 was also released by Universal as a Cine Chrome Card (the scan doesn`t do it justice), but with the background from the Sins of the Past 'walk on the head`s' fight oddly enough. #4 was also released as a poster which came with the first Xena Club Kit. I'd love to get my hands on any of these posters... I have #2 as an 8x10 shot with the top of the sword cropped out. It's not the clearest shot. Not sure who produced it.

As the numbers suggest, there were more shots taken in these series. There was a postcard released of one, but I only have a teeny little pic of it from a Creation catalogue. But I know that I've seen a better representation of that shot because I remember seeing it. She's holding the sword above her head as if about to strike down. And there's a graphic on the side of the original Xena 10" doll and on the Xena II red doll packaging that is obviously from the lower series as well.

The one black and white shot I got from some site years ago. Afraid that I don't remember which one now, but the image was squeezed and was obviously saved at the same time as a similarly squeezed black and white Ares image that I have on the Promotional Shots page for the Cave Series. I think it was from Tom`s Xena Page, the granddaddy of all Xena websites, which unfortunately doesn`t seem to be up anymore.

If anyone has any other pictures from this series, larger cleaner versions, or any information, please give me a shout.

Universal Studios

Gallery Year 1 #1 Gallery Year 1 #1

Gallery Year 1 #2 Gallery Year 1 #2

Gallery Year 1 #3 Gallery Year 1 #3

Gallery Year 1 #4 Gallery Year 1 #4

Gallery Year 1 #6 Gallery Year 1 #6

Gallery Year 1 #15 Gallery Year 1 #15

Gallery Year 1 #16 Gallery Year 1 #16

Gallery Year 1 #17 Gallery Year 1 #17

Gallery Year 1 #19 Gallery Year 1 #19

Gallery Year 1 Unknown Gallery Year 1 Unknown

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Ashera's Xena Photo Listing, The Master Catalogue 'mastercat' © Stephanie Davis 2004 - 2010.
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