Promotional Shots

Who took these shots and when? I remember these coming out around the 3rd season of Xena - which would be consistent with how they look. I have since found other sites that refer to these shots as Season Three promotional pictures. I think all of the Cave, Foliage and Temple shots were taken at the same time. Looks like some Hercules promo shots were also taken on the same sets around the same time. I know that I've seen some of them and I'll try to track a couple down.

The order and the numbering of these photos is completely mine.

The few shots from this series that I have - and that were not released by Creation as either 8 x 10s or 11 x 14s - I bought from an online seller and the photos were all really dark and muddy. I tried cleaning them up a bit by changing the color balances, but this has left them all a little odd looking. I also need to find better examples of the Xena and Gab ones in the foliage series.

The first Xena and Ares shot is from Mary D's. How weird is that shot? It looks like it maybe came from a magazine. The black and white Ares shot...I can't remember where I got it now. Maybe from Tom's before they lost a bunch of their photos? The image was squeezed, as were some other black and whites that I copied from the site.

I don't remember where I got the first version of the Ares Pose 3 picture from, sorry.

If anyone has any other pictures from this series, larger cleaner versions of the small ones, or any information, please give me a shout.

Cave Series

CAVE - Xena Pose
Xena Pose

CAVE - Xena Pose 2
Xena Pose 2

CAVE - Xena Pose 3
Xena Pose 3

CAVE - Ares Pose
Ares Pose

CAVE - Ares Pose 2
Ares Pose 2

CAVE - Ares Pose 3
Ares Pose 3

CAVE - Ares Pose 3 Alt
Ares Pose 3 Alt

CAVE - Ares B & W
Ares B & W

CAVE - Ares & Gabrielle
Ares & Gabrielle

CAVE - Ares & Gabrielle 2
Ares & Gab 2

CAVE - Xena & Ares
Xena & Ares

CAVE - Xena & Ares Fight
Xena & Ares Fight

CAVE - Gabrielle Pose
Gabrielle Pose

CAVE - Gabrielle Pose 2
Gabrielle Pose 2

CAVE - Gabrielle Pose 3
Gabrielle Pose 3

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Foliage Series

FOLIAGE - Xena Pose
Xena Pose

FOLIAGE - Xena & Gabrielle Pose
Xena & Gabrielle

FOLIAGE - Xena & Gabrielle Pose 2
Xena & Gabrielle 2

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Temple Series

TEMPLE - Xena & Gab Pose
Xena & Gab Pose

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